Arkiv | december, 2011

The name is Bond… James Bond

29 Dec

Swede changes name to James Bond!

James Bond is alive and well and living in the south east of Sweden. Or at least his namesake is.

Schäfer, Gunnar Schäfer has just been given the all clear from the tax board to make some alterations to his name.
He may now officially refer himself as Nils Gunnar Bond James Schäfer. Or Bond, James Bond for short.
If ever Sweden was to have its own 007, Gunnar Schäfer has long seemed the most likely candidate.
In 1959 Schäfer’s father, who had been a German secret service agent during the Second World War, disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
”It was the time of the Cold War. He went away on holiday and we never heard from him again. Perhaps somebody wanted him dead. I just don’t know,” Schäfer told The Local.
The loss of his father at a very young age is intimately linked to his life-long interest in 007.
In 1965, the eight-year-old Schäfer settled down to watch ‘Goldfinger’ with his older brother. The experience was to alter his young life.
”I began to compare Ian Fleming’s life to that of my father. I read the novels and found all the similarities.
”Like my father, Fleming had also been a secret agent. He became a sort of mentor to me.
”‘Goldfinger’ helped me to get on with my life and it brought me closer to my father,” he said.
Gunnar Schäfer’s fascination with all things Bond is evident in every aspect of his life.
For example, his mobile phone number ends with the digits 007.
One of his cars, the original BMW used in ‘Goldeneye’, is registered 007 JB.
And just like Ian Fleming’s Jamaican estate, Schäfer’s house in Kalmar is called ‘Goldeneye’.
He also dresses like Bond. At least once a week he puts on his dinner jacket and sits down to watch a 007 classic.
”Sometimes I’ll drink a dry martini. But usually I pour myself a glass of Bollinger champagne, which was Albert Broccoli’s favourite drink and also something Bond is quite fond of,” said Schäfer.
When he’s not being Bond, Gunnar Schäfer runs a car parts business in Nybro. It was here that he first began displaying some of the memorabilia for the world’s first 007 museum.
”It was in 2002, when ‘Die Another Day’ was about to come out. I set aside a small space in my shop”.
The embryonic museum was later moved to a much larger premises. Spread over 350 square metres of exhibition space, the museum now houses a cinema, games consoles and a casino, as well as an impressive array of 007 artifacts ranging from cars to specially designed glasses.
But what about 007’s famed collection of short-term girlfriends? Does Schäfer share his hero’s handy knack of proving irresistible to the opposite sex?
”Yes and no,” he laughed.
”They are often very curious, even the ones who don’t like 007.
”After they meet me and I tell them the story about my father they usually end up liking Bond,” he said.
Gunnar Schäfer celebrated his 50th birthday at the end of March. Visit his website to find out more about the Swedish James Bond and his 007 museum.

Paul O’Mahony ( 656 6513)

Sveriges James Bond talar ut!

28 Dec


Du kallas för Sveriges James Bond, berätta…

– Ja, många har ju kallat mig för Mr Bond i tio år där jag bor. ”Här kommer James” säger de. Då brukar jag säga ”Hallå Mr Q” för att visa respekt tillbaka. Sen vet inte folk hur djupt relaterat det är till min barndom. James Bond är en fadersgestalt för mig.

Du heter James Bond på riktigt förstår jag…

– Ja, jag ansökte till skatteverket om att få lägga till James Bond i mitt namn. Och det beviljades. Så nu heter jag Gunnar James Bond Schäfer.

Hur ska man se ut som Bond?

– Självklart ska man ha lackskor. Ett par riktigt snygga byxor, Armani eller helt Brioni. En klassisk smoking och handknuten fluga. Det där är viktigt. Och så givetvis en vit skjorta. Man får gärna ha en Omega-klocka. Manschettknappat med 007-logga är ju något extra. Men sen den här stilen. Rak i ryggen, cool, ställda dig lite bredbent. Kolla runt lite sådär överlägset. Helst ha två tjejer med dig när du gör entré.

Hur går det för dig med tjejerna?

– Det går bra. Än har jag inte gift mig. Jag har klarat mig (skratt). Jag tror inte på att vara gift med en kvinna, jag vill vara den där Bondkaraktären.

Bollinger Champagne RD 1952 in the James Bond 007 Museum Nybro Sweden.

20 Dec

Bollinger Champagne RD 1952  in the James Bond 007 Museum Sweden, Nybro.
One of the most exclusive Bollniger Champagne from the house keller in Ay outsid Reims in France.


Sveriges radio P4 Lennart Palm intervjuar James Gunnar Bond James Schäfer 20 december i 007 museet.

20 Dec
Sveriges radio P4 Lennatt Palm intervjuar James Gunnar Bond James Schäfer tisdagen 20 december.
Inslaget kommer att sändas onsdag 21/12 kl.17.02 se länk nedan  Han heter Gunnar Schäfer men också James Bond, faktiskt. I dagarna kom han ut med sin bok ”James Bond – en fadersgestalt” där han beskriver hur Ian Flemmings romanfigur fått ta platsen han pappa borde haft.

Daniel Craig has recently received an offer to make five more Bond films, according to producer Michael G. Wilson

19 Dec

Daniel Craig has recently received an offer to make five more Bond films, according to producer Michael G. Wilson.

Negotiations are ongoing to have Daniel Craig play James Bond in a total of eight films, besting the previous record set by former 007 star Roger Moore.

Since principal photography commenced on the (delayed) new Daniel Craig James Bond flick, Skyfall, the public’s attention has been focused foremost on the film’s production – and not on the matter of how many more Bond movies will feature Craig’s iteration of the iconic super-spy.

Ex. James Bond Sir Roger Moore returns to television in “A Princess for Christmas,”

19 Dec

”A PRINCESS FOR CHRISTMAS” Starring: Sir Roger Moore. Sir Roger Moore returns to television in “A Princess for Christmas,” a … Co- starring with Moore are Katie McGrath (“Merlin”), Sam Heughan.

Bollinger RD starting with the 1952 released in 1961.There have been 27 vintages of RD

18 Dec

The tasting of recently disgorged Bollinger’s was held to celebrate fifty years since the release of the debut 1952. It was tutored by chef de caveMathieu Kauffmann and he began with an overview of Bollinger RD…

There have been 27 vintages of RD starting with the 1952 released in 1961. It starts in the vineyard with the selection of the grapes. We press the grapes, make the vinification and do the malolactic vinification in barrels. We do the first tasting after racking and a second tasting in December as we prepare the assemblage. Each vintage there are about 2,000 barrels and choose the best ones.
(Just in case readers were wondering, the RD vintages are: 1952, 1953, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1964, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999.)


“Bollinger RD…the best!” – General Georgi Koskov (double-crossing, corrupt Soviet general dabbling in black market arms, the opium trade and contract killings.)

18 Dec

R.D. (‘recently disgorged’) was proposed for the first time by Madame Bollinger in 1961 on the basis of the 1952 vintage. This concept is unique, absolutely without equivalent in Champagne.In terms of blending, R.D. is a Grand Annee, but a Grande Annee that has aged in the Bollinger cellars for a longer period: a minimum of eight years and up to 20-25 years.This slow maturation allows for reinforcing the aromatic subtlety and complexity of the wine, developing a highly original style recognised and appreciated by connoisseurs of great wines.R.D. is also a recent disgorging that guarantees unique freshness and vivacity as regards the wine’s venerable age and which allows the aromas to fully express themselves.In order to inform the consumer the disgorging date is printed on the label.By nature, the R.D. boasts a nearly-unlimited capacity for conservation, before of after disgorging.R.D. is an ‘extra-brut’, i.e. the dosage is very low (less than 5 grammes of sugar per litre).

“Bollinger RD…the best!” – General Georgi Koskov (double-crossing, corrupt Soviet general dabbling in black market arms, the opium trade and contract killings.)

Perhaps General Koskov was not the most appropriate person to promote Bollinger RD in the James Bond film “Licensed To Kill”. But hey, there is nothing to say that baddies lack connoisseurship. Is there?

Early July and I am at the rejuvenated “Jules Verne” restaurant somewhere near the troposphere of the Eiffel Tower, which 007-fans will recall, formed the backdrop for the opening scene of “A View To A Kill”. Roger Moore, in his last outing as Bond, is dining at the restaurant and orders a bottle of Bollinger 1975 before his contact is inconveniently assassinated by a poisoned fishing rod. He pursues the ninja assassin up three million stairs, which is not easy when you are a pensioner, but Grace Jones (for it is she) escapes by leaping from the top of the tower. Cue opening of parachute and Duran Duran’s polyester theme tune.

Försäljning av Nyårsraketer börjar på måndag 19/12 James Bond 007 museet Nybro.

18 Dec

Försäljning av Nyårsraketer börjar på måndag 19/12 James Bond museet.

Naomie Harris will be…playing new Miss Moneypenny in Bond 23 SKYFALL

17 Dec

 Naomie Harris will be…playing  new Miss Moneypenny.